I love my roommates. Seriously, we are a funny bunch. And I get really lucky. I have not yet had a mystery roommate move in that I didn't get along with (knock on wood). We always have such a blast. And I have had my share of roommates too, and while it would be fun to talk about them all, it would take forever, so I will just stick to the current ones. I just think the whole concept of roommates is kinda funny. One day, you have no clue who they are but you share a room, and before you know it, you are great friends. You are in a sense forced into it, but I think its fabulous! My roommates right now are so fun. We laugh almost constantly. And lucky for me, a lot of plans to separate us fell through, so we are all going to be together again for another semester. I thought I would just post to show everyone who these wonderful ladies that I live with are! We took these pictures, with the prompt of "Romanian Orphan" . I don't know much about it, I think mine just looks scary. But hey, it was funny and they are now hanging on our wall.

This is Shayla. I love her. She is my room-roommate and we have a good time together. She is from Orem and is going to be a school teacher some day. Our favorite activity lately is singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart " by Bonnie Tyler at the top of our lungs and interpretive dancing for whoever will watch, or just with ourselves. Its a great time. She loves records and actually has a ton of them which she plays on her record player. Its awesome.

And this is Kat. One of the coolest people you will meet. She was an actress who knows lots of famous people. Now she is going to be a lawyer and is in the process of applying to law school. I think she is the only one that truly captured the Romanian Orphan look in our pictures, which would make sense because it was her prompt. She shaved her head a little while back and totally looks awesome. I could never do that, but she is beautiful and pulls it off amazingly.

And here is Suzanne. She has been my roommate for going on two years now, and its great. She is so optimistic and happy almost all the time, so its always nice. Super smart and always willing to share that knowledge with others :). She is going to India this summer to save the widows and I wouldn't put it past her to actually do it. I swear she never sleeps and somehow is still pleasant. Heaven knows I need my sleep to be pleasant.

And here is my picture. I know, I know, its awful. I look ill, or drugged or something. I don't know exactly what happened, but it was after my flag football game and a long day at the hospital, so those are my excuses. And there isn't much to say about me except that I live with awesome girls. And I need to make honorable mention to Alison, who is, for all intents and purposes, my roommate :) She is a past and a future roommate, and I see her more often than my actual roommates probably. And I love her to death. Don't know what I would do without her!! So there you have it. Those are the people I see everyday and live with. And they are great!