Saturday, July 18, 2009


This week my family has made the comments that I am obsessed and addicted to the show "So You Think You Can Dance". And well...I will admit it...I am!!! And I don't see any problem with that. It's quite possibly the greatest show ever made and I love it. And as far as obsessions and addictions go, I think its fairly mild. And really...if you watch the show, its easy to see why I am obsessed. These people are incredible. Absolutely crazy good dancers. And while the judges annoy some people, I actually kinda like them. They make me laugh and they actually know about dancing and what it takes to be a good dancer. And they have power to kick people off as well for a while which makes it more legit. I basically love everything about it. I am so excited that they are doing another season in the Fall, which means I don't have to wait very long to see more of my favorite show. The top ten dancers also go on tour together which I think would be one of the best shows to go to ever. Personally. So if you ever wonder what Megan is up to on Wednesday night between 8-10pm and Thursday 9-10pm...the answer is simple. She is busy. Watching SYTYCD. Call if you want to join her. Everyone is welcome. Last season I would watch with a big group, usually in apartment 31 with their giant TV. Now, its usually just me and whomever in my family wants to join. Anyway you watch it know its going to be good. Watch it...You won't regret it.


Alison Spencer said...

This is going to be happening in the fall too? Can't wait. And ps, the fact that it is on TWO nights a week and not just one is really too much. And Megan--no obsessions are good. Maybe while you help me overcome my cereal problem, I'll help you with your "SYTYCD" issue. Remember--admitting you have a problem is the hardest part.

Love ya :)

ComedySportz Utah said...

I just saw my first one this past week. My aunt also really enjoys it. It was my first time but I really liked it. Yeah for T.V.

jeffandbrianne said...

Yes! We LOVE it too! One of the best shows ever.

Matt & Chelsea said...

i didnt know you loved the show too??!! they are amazing!! i only wish i could dance like them. i actually wish i pushed myself to try to be that good!! haha if you ever wanna chat about it im all ears!