Sunday, August 9, 2009


I have been summoned. And its my civic duty to be on the jury. But I'm not even registered to vote! How'd they find me? I hear its from the drivers license. To be quite honest, I have always thought it would be interesting to be on a jury. However, they want me there September 28. Slight problem with the fact I will be in school in PROVO at that time. I tried to get exempted, but they said no. So I can instead reschedule for the week I am back in Washington. Unfortunately that is over Christmas. So I may spend my Christmas break sitting in a court room. Can't wait. Perhaps it will be a controversial case and I will end up on Oprah. Yeah, thats possible.


World of Wife Craft said...

They found you? That is crazy. I'm sorry it's over Christmas.

Kyle said...

I sat in on a jury selection in Seattle last week. It was interesting for me to watch, at least. At least you get paid $10 a day . . . (or maybe it's $5, I don't remember)

marci said...

That's lame. Hopefully you get there and they send you home. When you do go, just remind them that you are only there for a week and you have to get back to school.... then they can't use you for any crazy intense cases :)