Friday, December 4, 2009

Series of Most Unfortunate Events.

So this last Wednesday was quite the day. Alison has written it quite well on her blog so you should go over there to see it. The post is called Burgerless and Embarrassed and it is really quite a hilarious story. And what a night.

And in some news. I got sick. For real sick. And I blame every member of my family plus two of my roommates for my current situation. I knew it was too good to be true to avoid illness surrounded by three strep throats, six colds, hacking coughs from every direction and so much snot for an entire week. So I sound like a man and cannot sing at all. Hence the embarrassment part of last wednesday. But for that story you have to click on the link above... :)

Also, our soccer team won yet another game, so we are going to the finals next week! Yay!

1 comment:

Cindy Robinson said...

me too!! I have been sick all week!!