Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Conference Weekend!

So I had a great conference weekend. First of all, I got to go to conference!! Somehow in my years of being at college here, I have never had the opportunity to actually attend a session of conference in Salt Lake. This year however, Ali was able to get an extra ticket and was kind enough to let me come with her! I loved every minute of it and had a great time. I especially loved being able to sustain the prophet with thousands of other saints all at the same time. And singing together in one loud amazing group. And of course hearing the speakers right in front of me and feeling of the incredible spirit that they were able to bring to that building. And it helped that the tickets were actually pretty great seats so that was a great first experience. Thanks Ali!

Then this weekend I got to attend the football game, thanks to Marie's brother, and the woman's soccer game. Turns out that I love soccer. Never saw that one coming. I love to watch it and I really enjoy playing it. I joined a intramural soccer team this year and granted I am not very good, but I think it is just the best! So fun. Anyway, the games were so fun to go to with friends and we had a good time.
Ben and I at the football game
Marie and Brian as BYU defeated USU!
Soccer Game with Ali and Mike - BYU beat UofU!

Midterms have been going full swing and I am somehow keeping my head above water. In fact, writing this post is putting off studying for yet another one I need to take tomorrow...Maybe I should get on that. But other than that school is going great. I start ICU this week and I am officially done working with the patients at the mental hospital. It was a good experience, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to be done. ICU should be a completely different experience and more up my alley.

And my apartment really likes puzzles it turns out. This took us all of one week to finish all four...


Anonymous said...

You look so happy! You and allison are so beautiful in the conference shot. love you both

cindyr_5@hotmail.com said...

ok it's me MOM, I wrote the last comment I don't know how I got anonymous

ComedySportz Utah said...

I love it all!!
