Thursday, April 23, 2009

Losing Time

This time next week won't exist for me. Why you ask? Well right about this time I will be flying to Taiwan and thus losing the entirety of April 30. Kind of strange to know that April 30, 2009 will never be available to me. But I get to then spend 6 weeks in Taiwan, so it kind of makes up for it. That and I will get June 11 twice in a row. Strange how time works sometimes.

I have about a million things to do before my trip, so it hasn't really set it quite yet, but I am super excited to go. Just have to get to that point first! 6 days and counting!


smalltoes said...

I'm so excited for you. I'm going to miss you like crazy. I don't know what I would have done with out you this year! You're the best and you are going to have so much fun.

Amy Collyer said...

If you can, update your blog about Taiwan! I am so excited for you! Also, I lost most of April 27 from traveling to Europe. I left in the morning, and arrived the next day! Still, skipping a whole day entirely is probably a little stranger than almost missing a whole day.