I am officially finished with my study abroad in Taiwan. I learned so many wonderful things there about the people and different cultures. I loved these people and they were so kind and very easy to love. I miss them and am grateful for all the pictures that we have to remind me of the fun times that we had and the people that I got to know so well. Of course we had a final, farewell dinner with all the nurses and administrators and doctors that we worked with. It was a great way to say goodbye and enjoy their enthusiasm and excitement one more time. I tell ya...it takes a lot of energy to be with these people, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
They presented each of us with our own scroll with our names in chinese with the hospital name and things. In the middle it means peace and safety forever. Or something like that...
After I was done with my "school" trip, Whitney and I headed up to Taipei where I was heading to Adam and Kay's house where Jenna had been for a couple days and Whitney was meeting her parents. After collapsing and nearly being trampled in the train station (really funny story actually) and almost missing our stop (another funny story) Whitney and I made it to Taipei in one piece. I spent a week with Adam, Kay, Lizzy, James and Jenna, tramping around Taipei and having a great time. It was fun to just be on vacation...no hospitals and no papers to worry about. And it was very fun to hang out with my family! I hadn't seen Adam and his family in a long time, and never met James so it was great.
Then, Jenna and I headed off together to go to Hong Kong. Boy, that was an adventure. After checking into our very spacious and secure hostel room (insert high amounts of sarcasm...) we headed out on the town. This place is busy! People of all ethnicities and backgrounds everywhere and huge buildings made for quite the atmosphere. We were there two days and two nights. We went to several markets, went on several hikes and saw thousands of buddahs. We had a great time together and were happy to have this adventure just together. Thursday poured as we left Hong Kong, and I left Asia after living there for six weeks. I knew I was going to miss it terribly.
At the temple of 10,000 Buddahs. This hill was covered with these golden buddahs. Each with a different expression and position.
Sorry for such a long post....